Which of the following shows the correct process of solving −4(3+120)+150 by generating an equivalent expression using the Zero Power Rule? (1 point)

The Zero Power Rule states that any non-zero number raised to the power of zero is equal to 1.

To use the Zero Power Rule, we would need an expression with a number raised to the power of zero. However, the expression −4(3+120)+150 does not have any exponents. Therefore, we cannot generate an equivalent expression using the Zero Power Rule for this particular expression.

Which of the following shows the correct process of solving −4(3+120)+150 by generating an equivalent expression using the Zero Power Rule? (1 point) Responses −4(3+120)+150=−4(3+1)+1=−4⋅4+1=−16+1=−1

Based on the given response, the correct process of solving −4(3+120)+150 by generating an equivalent expression using the Zero Power Rule is:

−4(3+120)+150 = −4(3+1)+1 = −4⋅4+1 = −16+1 = −1

To generate an equivalent expression using the Zero Power Rule, we need to simplify the expression −4(3+120)+150 step by step. The Zero Power Rule states that any number raised to the power of zero is equal to 1.

1. First, simplify the expression inside the parentheses: 3 + 120 = 123.

Now we have: −4(123) + 150.

2. Multiply −4 by 123: −4 * 123 = -492.

Now we have: -492 + 150.

3. Add -492 and 150: -492 + 150 = -342.

So, the correct process for solving the expression using the Zero Power Rule is: −4(3+120)+150 = -342.

To solve the expression −4(3+120)+150 using the Zero Power Rule, we need to first simplify the parentheses, then apply the Zero Power Rule to generate an equivalent expression.

The Zero Power Rule states that any non-zero number raised to the power of zero equals 1. However, in this expression, there is no exponent involved. Therefore, the Zero Power Rule is not applicable in this case.

To solve the expression, we can follow the order of operations, or PEMDAS (Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division from left to right, and Addition and Subtraction from left to right).

Let's break down the process of solving the given expression step by step:

Step 1: Simplify the parentheses
Inside the parentheses, we have 3 + 120. Performing the addition gives us 123, so the expression becomes −4(123)+150.

Step 2: Apply multiplication
Next, we need to multiply −4 by 123. Multiplying −4 by 123 gives us −492, so the expression becomes −492+150.

Step 3: Perform addition
Finally, we need to add −492 and 150. Adding these two numbers yields −342.

Therefore, the correct process of solving the expression −4(3+120)+150 by generating an equivalent expression using the Zero Power Rule does not exist, as the Zero Power Rule is not applicable here. The final result of the expression is −342.