What was the primary cash crop of Jamestown? (1 point) Responses corn corn cotton cotton tobacco tobacco sugar

The primary cash crop of Jamestown was tobacco.

What is the main reason settlers founded the New England colonies? (1 point) Responses land for large plantations land for large plantations religious freedom religious freedom gold and silver gold and silver homes and jobs

The main reason settlers founded the New England colonies was for religious freedom.

The primary cash crop of Jamestown was tobacco.

The primary cash crop of Jamestown was tobacco. To answer this question, you can refer to historical records and sources related to the Jamestown settlement. Jamestown, established in 1607, was the first permanent English settlement in North America. The colonists in Jamestown quickly discovered that the fertile soil and warm climate of Virginia were ideal for growing tobacco. Tobacco became the major cash crop that brought economic prosperity to the Jamestown colony.