Use the sentence to answer the prompt.

"Sue-Ellen is such a quiet child," said Aunt Lydia. "It makes me wonder what she is thinking."

Which word would give the sentence a positive tone if it replaced the word quiet?

1) distracted
2) sullen
3) calm
4) lonely

3) calm

The word that would give the sentence a positive tone if it replaced the word "quiet" is "calm."

To determine which word would give the sentence a positive tone if it replaced the word "quiet," we need to look for a word with a positive connotation. In this case, "quiet" has a neutral connotation but Aunt Lydia seems interested in knowing what Sue-Ellen is thinking, which suggests a positive tone. Let's examine each option:

1) "Distracted" has a negative connotation as it implies a lack of focus or attention.
2) "Sullen" also has a negative connotation, suggesting a moodiness or unfriendly behavior.
3) "Calm" has a positive connotation as it implies a serene and peaceful demeanor.
4) "Lonely" has a negative connotation, suggesting a feeling of isolation or sadness.

Based on the given options, the word "calm" would give the sentence a positive tone if it replaced the word "quiet."