The origin and wave of political independence that swept across Africa first began in the (1 point) Responses 1950s. 1950s. 1960s. 1960s. early 1960s. early 1960s. 1970s.

early 1960s.

The conflicts between the Hutus and Tutsis resulted in an estimated half a million deaths in these two areas. (1 point) Responses Rwanda and Nigeria Rwanda and Nigeria Nigeria and Sudan Nigeria and Sudan Sudan and Rwanda Sudan and Rwanda Rwanda and Burundi

Rwanda and Burundi

What factor resulted in the depopulation of the African population beginning in the 17th century? (1 point) Responses There was inadequate amounts of medicine to care of the sick and wounded. There was inadequate amounts of medicine to care of the sick and wounded. There was a migration of many tribes due to bad living conditions. There was a migration of many tribes due to bad living conditions. There was exportation of slaves during the slave-trade era. There was exportation of slaves during the slave-trade era. There was a migration of many tribes because of the abundance of rich resources elsewhere.

There was exportation of slaves during the slave-trade era.

Which best illustrates the policy of apartheid? (1 point) Responses Friendly relations between the white regime and neighboring african tribes. Friendly relations between the white regime and neighboring african tribes. The white elite and representatives from various tribes participated in government. The white elite and representatives from various tribes participated in government. Institutionalized separation between rival African tribes. Institutionalized separation between rival African tribes. Institutionalized separation between the white regime and African tribes.

Institutionalized separation between the white regime and African tribes.

These countries were considered to be the only independent areas free from European control during the 1800s. (1 point) Responses Nigeria and Rwanda Nigeria and Rwanda Ethiopia and Nigeria Ethiopia and Nigeria Ethiopia and Liberia Ethiopia and Liberia Nigeria and Mozambique

Ethiopia and Liberia

Nelson Mandela's was elected president of ________ with the primary goal of __________________. (1 point) Responses Nigeria