How did Kavad II of the Sasanian Empire die?(1 point)Responsesplagueplaguewarwarfratricidefratricidecoupcoup

Kavad II of the Sasanian Empire died as a result of a coup.

To find out how Kavad II of the Sasanian Empire died, we can resort to historical sources. One approach to get an accurate answer is to refer to scholarly books, articles, or documents that discuss the life and death of Kavad II. These sources often draw upon primary sources from the time period or rely on well-documented historical narratives.

One way to access these sources is by conducting a search in digital libraries, such as JSTOR, Google Scholar, or academic databases like ProQuest or EBSCOhost. These platforms contain numerous scholarly articles and books that can provide detailed information about historical events.

Another avenue is to consult authoritative historical texts or biographies that focus on the Sasanian Empire or specific rulers, such as Kavad II. These books usually contain in-depth analyses and accounts of the circumstances surrounding his death.

Additionally, historical records like inscriptions, official documents, or chronicles from the time period may contain information about the cause of death. Regional or historical museums, universities, or archives might hold copies or translations of these primary sources.

By referring to reliable scholarly sources and historical records, one can obtain a more accurate and comprehensive answer regarding the cause of Kavad II's death in the Sasanian Empire.

Kavad II of the Sasanian Empire is believed to have died of natural causes.