If 28 ⋅ 521 = 14,588 , what is 2.8 × 5.21 ?

The product of 2.8 and 5.21 is 14.588.

If 64 ⋅ 789 = 50,496 , what is 6.4 × 7.89 ?

The product of 6.4 and 7.89 is 50.496.

Multiply 13.6 and 4.7

The product of 13.6 and 4.7 is 63.92.

Multiply 6.78 and 9.3

The product of 6.78 and 9.3 is 63.054.

If 37 ⋅ 193 = 7,141 , what is 3.7 × 19.3 ?

The product of 3.7 and 19.3 is 71.41.

To find the answer to the multiplication problem 2.8 × 5.21, you need to multiply the numbers together.

First, remove the decimal points from both numbers, so it becomes 28 × 521.

Next, multiply the numbers together: 28 × 521 = 14,588.

Since we removed the decimal points at the beginning, the result is also without a decimal point.

So, the answer to 2.8 × 5.21 is 14,588.