Simplify x675*x453

The product of x675 and x453 can be simplified to x^675 * x^453, which further simplifies to x^(675+453) = x^1128.

To simplify the expression x675 * x453, we multiply the coefficients and combine the variables. Assuming that x represents a variable, the simplified expression is x^2 * 675 * 453.

To simplify the expression x675 * x453, we can multiply the coefficients (numbers) and combine the variables.

To find the product of the coefficients, we multiply 675 and 453:

675 * 453 = 305,775

Now let's consider the variables. Since both terms have the variable "x," we can combine them by adding their exponents. In this case, "x" doesn't have an exponent explicitly shown, so we can assume it has an exponent of 1.

Thus, x675 * x453 simplifies to:


So the simplified expression is 305,775x.