64 oz for $3.20 what’s the unit rate price per ounce

To find the unit rate price per ounce, divide the total price by the total number of ounces:

$3.20 / 64 oz = $0.05 per ounce

The unit rate price per ounce is $0.05.

112 flowers and 14 vases to fill what is the unit rate of flowers per vase

To find the unit rate of flowers per vase, divide the total number of flowers by the total number of vases:

112 flowers / 14 vases = 8 flowers per vase

The unit rate of flowers per vase is 8 flowers.

To find the unit rate price per ounce, divide the total cost ($3.20) by the total number of ounces (64):

Unit rate price per ounce = total cost / total number of ounces
= $3.20 / 64
= $0.05 per ounce

Therefore, the unit rate price per ounce is $0.05.

To determine the unit rate price per ounce, you need to divide the total cost by the total quantity. In this case, the cost is $3.20 and the quantity is 64 ounces.

You can calculate the unit rate as follows:
Unit Rate = Total Cost / Total Quantity

Therefore, the unit rate price per ounce is:
Unit Rate = $3.20 / 64 ounces

Simplifying this calculation, you divide both the numerator and the denominator by 8:
Unit Rate = $0.40 / 8 ounces

This gives you a unit rate price per ounce of $0.05.