Fill in the blank blank of the American manual alphabet handshakes are form to resemble the letter they


Fill in the blank: Handshapes of the American manual alphabet are formed to resemble the letter they _________.

In order to fill in the blank, we need to understand the question clearly. It seems like you are asking about the American manual alphabet and its representation of letters through hand shapes.

The American manual alphabet, also known as the fingerspelling alphabet, is a system used by people who are deaf or hard of hearing to spell out words and communicate using their hands. Each letter of the English alphabet is represented by a specific hand shape or gesture.

Now, let's complete the sentence. Based on the information provided, here is the modified sentence: "Handshapes of the American manual alphabet are formed to resemble the letter they represent."

To elaborate on this further, when fingerspelling in American Sign Language (ASL), each letter is assigned a unique hand shape. These hand shapes are designed to visually depict the written form of each letter. For example, the hand shape for the letter "A" resembles a closed fist with the thumb extended upward, while the hand shape for the letter "B" involves raising the index finger and closing the rest of the fingers to form a "chin" shape.

To learn more about the American manual alphabet handshapes, you can search for visual resources such as images or videos that demonstrate the specific hand shapes for each letter.