Gaston and his wife are driving to a friends wedding 258.6 miles from home. If they average 55.8 mph, how long will it take to get to the wedding? Write your answer in the decimal form and round to the nearest tenth.

To find the time it will take to get to the wedding, divide the distance by the average speed:

Time = distance / speed
Time = 258.6 miles / 55.8 mph
Time ≈ 4.62 hours

Rounded to the nearest tenth, it will take approximately 4.6 hours to get to the wedding.

Marcel stopped at the gas station to fill up on his way home from work. His total credit card charge is $28.55, and he got 10.65 gallons of gas. What was the price per gallon? Round to the nearest cent.(1 point)

To find the price per gallon, divide the total charge by the number of gallons:

Price per gallon = Total charge / Number of gallons
Price per gallon = $28.55 / 10.65 gallons
Price per gallon ≈ $2.68

Rounded to the nearest cent, the price per gallon is approximately $2.68.

Gabi and her girlfriend are running a booth at the carnival selling small decorated bags of candy. In order to make more profit, they purchase candy in a large bag that they will sort into 0.75-pound bags of candy. They were able to find large bags of candy that contain 18.8 pounds of candy. If they are selling the small bags of candy for $1.50, how much can they make from each large bag? Round to the nearest whole bag of candy and the nearest cent.(1 point)

To find the number of 0.75-pound bags that can be made from the large bag, divide the total weight of the large bag by the weight of each small bag:

Number of small bags = Total weight of large bag / Weight of each small bag
Number of small bags = 18.8 pounds / 0.75 pounds
Number of small bags ≈ 25.1 bags

Rounded to the nearest whole bag, they can make approximately 25 bags from each large bag of candy.

To find the total amount they can make from each large bag, multiply the number of small bags by the price per small bag:
Total amount = Number of small bags * Price per small bag
Total amount = 25 bags * $1.50 per bag
Total amount = $37.50

Therefore, they can make a total of $37.50 from each large bag of candy.

If an airplane can travel 875.9 miles in 2.3 hours, what is the average speed of the plane? Round to the nearest hundredth.(1 point)

To find the average speed, divide the total distance traveled by the total time taken:

Average speed = Total distance / Total time
Average speed = 875.9 miles / 2.3 hours
Average speed ≈ 380.83 mph

Rounded to the nearest hundredth, the average speed of the plane is approximately 380.83 mph.

Jamie is building a box by the pool for the pool toys. They want the box’s volume to be 31.5 cubic feet. The space can hold a box that is 4.5 ft. long and 2.5 ft. wide. How high should the box be in order to meet the volume requirement? Write your answer in decimal form. (The volume of a box is length times width times height.)(1 point)

To find the height of the box, we can rearrange the formula for volume:

Volume = Length x Width x Height

In this case, we know the volume (31.5 cubic feet), the length (4.5 ft), and the width (2.5 ft). Let's call the height "h".

31.5 = 4.5 x 2.5 x h

Now we can solve for h by dividing both sides of the equation by (4.5 x 2.5):
h = 31.5 / (4.5 x 2.5)

h ≈ 2.8 ft

Therefore, the box should be approximately 2.8 feet high to meet the volume requirement.

To calculate the time it will take for Gaston and his wife to reach their friend's wedding, you need to divide the distance of 258.6 miles by their average speed of 55.8 mph.

The formula to find the time is:

Time = Distance / Speed

Plugging in the values:

Time = 258.6 miles / 55.8 mph = 4.63417369093 hours

To round the answer to the nearest tenth, you would round the number 4.63417369093 to one decimal place:

Time ≈ 4.6 hours

Therefore, it will take Gaston and his wife approximately 4.6 hours to reach their friend's wedding.