What is the process of focusing your full attention on what another person is saying?

(1 point)

passive aggression
passive aggression

passive listening
passive listening

active listening
active listening

aggressive passivity

The correct answer is active listening.

The process of focusing your full attention on what another person is saying is called active listening.

The correct answer is active listening. Active listening is the process of focusing your full attention on what another person is saying. It involves not only hearing the person's words but also paying attention to their body language, tone of voice, and other non-verbal cues. To practice active listening, you can follow these steps:

1. Pay attention: Give your full attention to the speaker. Avoid distractions and try to be fully present in the conversation.

2. Show interest: Use positive body language and non-verbal cues, such as nodding and maintaining eye contact, to show the speaker that you are engaged and interested in what they are saying.

3. Avoid interrupting: Allow the speaker to finish what they are saying before responding or asking questions. Interrupting can disrupt the flow of the conversation and make the speaker feel unheard.

4. Paraphrase and summarize: Repeat or rephrase what the speaker has said in your own words to ensure understanding. Summarize their main points to show that you are actively processing the information.

5. Ask clarifying questions: If something is unclear, ask questions to gain a better understanding of the speaker's perspective or to seek clarification on any points that are not clear to you.

6. Avoid judgment: Suspend judgment and refrain from jumping to conclusions or making assumptions. Stay open-minded and try to understand the speaker's point of view without biases.

7. Provide feedback: Offer appropriate feedback or responses to demonstrate that you have listened and understood the speaker's message. This can be done through verbal affirmations, such as saying "I understand" or "That makes sense," or by reflecting on the speaker's emotions or concerns.

By practicing active listening, you can build better relationships, improve communication, and show respect and empathy towards others.