If triangle MNO is congruent to triangle PQR, which of the following can you not conclude as being true?

1 point
MN is congruent to PR
Angle M is congruent to Angle P
NO is congruent to QR
Angle N is congruent to Angle Q

We cannot conclude that angle N is congruent to angle Q.

All equilateral triangles are obtuse.

1 point

False. All equilateral triangles have angles measuring 60 degrees, which is less than 90 degrees and therefore not obtuse.

If triangle MNO is congruent to triangle PQR, one cannot conclude that NO is congruent to QR.

To determine which statement we cannot conclude as true, we need to understand the concept of congruent triangles and the corresponding parts.

Two triangles are said to be congruent if all corresponding sides and angles are equal. This means that if triangle MNO is congruent to triangle PQR, the corresponding sides and angles must be equal in both triangles.

Now let's analyze each statement:

1. MN is congruent to PR: This statement is true because if the triangles are congruent, their corresponding sides must be equal.

2. Angle M is congruent to Angle P: This statement is true because if the triangles are congruent, their corresponding angles must be equal.

3. NO is congruent to QR: This statement is true because if the triangles are congruent, their corresponding sides must be equal.

4. Angle N is congruent to Angle Q: This statement is also true because if the triangles are congruent, their corresponding angles must be equal.

Therefore, based on the properties of congruent triangles, we can conclude that all of the given statements are true.