Which of the following statements best explains why Russia left World War I before it ended?(1 point)


Tsar Nicholas II ended the war to prevent a revolution.
Tsar Nicholas II ended the war to prevent a revolution.

The damage of the war caused an internal revolution.
The damage of the war caused an internal revolution.

A Russian military-led coup ended the war in eastern Europe.
A Russian military-led coup ended the war in eastern Europe.

Germany defeated and advanced into Russian territories.

Germany defeated and advanced into Russian territories.

The statement that best explains why Russia left World War I before it ended is "The damage of the war caused an internal revolution." The war had taken a heavy toll on Russia, resulting in economic devastation, widespread food shortages, and high casualties. These factors, combined with a disillusionment towards the government and military leadership, led to a revolution in Russia in 1917. As a result, Tsar Nicholas II was overthrown, leading to Russia's withdrawal from the war.

The correct statement that best explains why Russia left World War I before it ended is "The damage of the war caused an internal revolution."

To understand this, it is important to consider the context of Russia during this time. In 1917, Russia was facing multiple challenges, including a lack of food and resources, a struggling economy, and discontent among the population. The strain of World War I intensified these problems and the heavy casualties suffered by the Russian army further exacerbated the discontent.

As a result, protests and uprisings began to spread throughout Russia. The situation reached a tipping point when workers and soldiers staged a series of strikes and demonstrations, demanding an end to the war and better living conditions. This eventually led to the February Revolution, which resulted in the abdication of Tsar Nicholas II and the establishment of a provisional government.

The new provisional government, led by Alexander Kerensky, initially decided to continue Russia's involvement in World War I. However, the war continued to drain Russia's resources, both human and material, and the situation worsened. Additionally, the provisional government faced numerous challenges, including opposition from various political groups. This created a power vacuum and further destabilized the country.

Amidst this turmoil, in October 1917, the Bolshevik Party led by Vladimir Lenin and Leon Trotsky staged a successful coup known as the October Revolution. The Bolsheviks, who opposed the war and sought to establish a socialist government, gradually gained control over Russia. As a result, they signed the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk in March 1918, ending Russian involvement in World War I.

In summary, the damage caused by the war, coupled with internal pressures and the Bolshevik revolution, led to Russia's withdrawal from World War I.