1. Given the table for x, sweater knitted, and y, money earned:

x: # of sweaters 7 6 2 9 3
y: $ earned 392 336 112 504 168
(4 points)
a. Every sweater knitted is
dollars earned.

b. Dollars/1 sweater is called a

c. This relationship is
because 0 sweaters knitted is
dollars earned.

Question 2
2. Use the graph the answer the following questions.

(3 points)
a. The constant of proportionality is

b. Write an equation that represents this graph

c. This is a proportional relationship because the y-intercept is

Question 3
4. Given the table for x, time in minutes, and y, distance traveled:

x: time 8 5 7 2 9
y: distance 664 415 581 166 747

(4 points)
a. Every minute
meters are traveled.

b. Write an equation to show the relationship between x and y:

c. This relationship is
because the y-intercept is

Question 4
5. A cab company charges $12 per mile for a lift to the airport.

What change would the company make to their charges to make this a non proportional situation?

(1 point)

Charge a flat rate of $20 and then $12 per mile
Charge a flat rate of $20 and then $12 per mile

Charge $15 per mile instead of $12
Charge $15 per mile instead of $12

No changes are needed.
No changes are needed.

Charge $4 per mile instead of $12
Charge $4 per mile instead of $12
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a. Every sweater knitted is approximately $56 earned ($392/7 = $56).

b. Dollars/1 sweater is called the average selling price.

c. This relationship is linear because 0 sweaters knitted results in $0 earned.


a. The constant of proportionality is approximately $16.80 ($504/3 = $168).

b. The equation that represents this graph is y = 16.80x.

c. This is a proportional relationship because the y-intercept is 0 ($0 earned if 0 sweaters knitted).


a. Every minute approximately 83 meters are traveled (747/9 = 83).

b. The equation to show the relationship between x and y is y = 83x.

c. This relationship is linear because the y-intercept is 0 (no distance traveled if 0 minutes).


The company would need to charge a flat rate in addition to the per mile charge. Specifically, they could charge a flat rate of $20 and then $12 per mile.

not an anser

Apologies for the confusion. The correct answer is:

The company would need to charge a flat rate in addition to the per mile charge. Specifically, they could charge a flat rate of $20 and then $12 per mile.

? 1 is comfusing

I apologize for the confusion in question 1. Let me clarify:

a. Every sweater knitted is a certain amount of dollars earned. To find the amount, we divide the total money earned by the number of sweaters knitted. In this case, the calculation would be:
$392 / 7 = $56

Therefore, every sweater knitted earns approximately $56.

b. Dollars/1 sweater is called the average selling price. In this case, the average selling price is $56.

c. This relationship is linear because for every sweater knitted, there is a constant increase in dollars earned. Additionally, the y-intercept is not 0, so it is not a proportional relationship.

I hope this clarifies question 1 for you.

1Given the table for x, sweater knitted, and y, money earned

a. every sweater knitted is 56 dollars earned
b. dollars/1 sweater is called a unit rate
c this relationship is proportional because 0 sweaters knitted is 0 dollars earned

2 a.the constant of proportonality is 15
b. write an equation that represents this graph y=15x
c this is proportional relationship because the y intercept is 0,0

3shift the graph down 2

4a. every minute traveled is 83 meters traveled

b.write an equation to show the relationship between x and y y=83x

c.the relationship is proportional because the y intercept is 0,0

5 charge a flat rate of 20 and then 12 per mile

6 up 15

7 y=12/7 x

8 bob

9 the process has an error. the correct answer is x=2c-2/3b

10a. triangles abc and cde are called similar triangles
b. thee slope of the line AE can be written as -3/2
c this is a non proprtional relationship
11a what is the y intercept 0,5
b. what is the slope -2/3
c what is the equation of the line in slope intercept form y=-2/3x+5
d.this is a non proportional relationship
13a what is the rate of change(slope) for this scenario -5
b. what is thee y intercept for this scenario (0,60)
c. write an equation for the scenario y=-5x+60
d, write an equation in standard form 5x+y=60
15 the graph is the one with 0,-2 and 3,0
16 lennys limos has a lower initial amount of fixed cost than the other two

lennys limos has a larger slope than fast and furious

17a.which person is doing more jumping jacks per second katrina
b. which person had done more jumping jacks initially before the timer has started kimberly
c which person shows a proportional relationship katrina

all the answers are correct idc if you dont belive me if you want the answers for other math assignments either say thank you or get this post to 10 likes i need it to fuel my bbig ego

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