Select the correct word from the drop down list when the subject of sentence performs the action to send this is in blank when the subject of the sentence receives the action and the person or thing doing the action follows the verb in the sentence is in blank

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The correct words to fill in the blanks are as follows:

- Send: When the subject of the sentence performs the action.
- Receive: When the subject of the sentence receives the action.
- Verb: The person or thing doing the action follows the verb.

To select the correct word from the drop-down list, you need to understand the difference between the subject performing the action (subject doing the action) and the subject receiving the action.

1. When the subject of the sentence performs the action:

In this case, you need to select a word that represents the subject doing the action. It can be a noun or a pronoun. The word should answer the question "Who or what is performing the action?"

Sentence: "John sent a letter."
In this case, the subject "John" is performing the action of sending. So, you would select the word "John" from the dropdown list.

2. When the subject of the sentence receives the action:

In this case, you need to select a word that represents the subject receiving the action. It can also be a noun or a pronoun. The word should answer the question "Who or what is receiving the action?"

Sentence: "The letter was received by Mary."
In this case, the subject "The letter" is receiving the action of being received. So, you would select the word "The letter" from the dropdown list.

3. When the person or thing doing the action follows the verb in the sentence:

In this case, you need to select a word that represents the person or thing doing the action, but it comes after the verb in the sentence.

Sentence: "The book was read by Jane."
In this case, the person doing the action ("Jane") is mentioned after the verb "read." So, you would select the word "Jane" from the dropdown list.

Remember, the correct word to select from the dropdown list depends on whether the subject is performing or receiving the action, or if the person doing the action follows the verb in the sentence.