Which lists the correct order of steps involved in the formation of an enzyme-substrate complex?(1 point) Responses enzyme binds to substrate at active site > chemical reaction takes place > products are released > enzyme-substrate complex forms enzyme binds to substrate at active site > chemical reaction takes place > products are released > enzyme-substrate complex forms chemical reaction takes place > products are released > enzyme binds to substrate at active site > enzyme-substrate complex forms chemical reaction takes place > products are released > enzyme binds to substrate at active site > enzyme-substrate complex forms enzyme binds to substrate at active site > enzyme-substrate complex forms > chemical reaction takes enzyme binds to substrate at active site > enzyme-substrate complex forms > chemical reaction takes enzyme-substrate complex forms > enzyme binds to substrate at active site > chemical reaction takes place > products are released

enzyme binds to substrate at active site > enzyme-substrate complex forms > chemical reaction takes place > products are released

The correct order of steps involved in the formation of an enzyme-substrate complex is:

1. Enzyme binds to substrate at active site
2. Enzyme-substrate complex forms
3. Chemical reaction takes place
4. Products are released

The correct order of steps involved in the formation of an enzyme-substrate complex is:

1. Enzyme binds to substrate at active site
2. Enzyme-substrate complex forms
3. Chemical reaction takes place
4. Products are released

To arrive at this answer, we need to understand the process of enzyme-substrate complex formation:

1. Enzymes are proteins that act as catalysts, which means they speed up chemical reactions without being consumed in the process.
2. Enzymes have a specific region called the active site, where they bind to the substrate (the molecule that undergoes the reaction).
3. The enzyme and substrate interact and form an enzyme-substrate complex, which is a temporary association.
4. In the complex, the enzyme modifies the substrate molecule, converting it into a product or products.
5. Finally, the products are released from the active site of the enzyme, and the enzyme is free to bind to another substrate molecule and repeat the process.

Based on this understanding, we can determine that the correct order of steps is:

1. Enzyme binds to substrate at active site
2. Enzyme-substrate complex forms
3. Chemical reaction takes place
4. Products are released