A dolphin jumped above the surface of the water. It reached an altitude of 3.5


To calculate the altitude reached by the dolphin, we need to know the initial height of the dolphin above the water level and the height it reached above that initial height.

Please provide the initial height of the dolphin above the water level, and the height it reached above that initial height.

To calculate the altitude reached by the dolphin, we need to know the initial height of the dolphin above the water surface, as well as the maximum height it reached.

If the initial height of the dolphin above the water surface is not provided, we assume it to be zero (at the water level).

In this case, the altitude reached by the dolphin is 3.5 units.

Please note that altitude is a relative measure and can be calculated by subtracting the initial height from the maximum height the dolphin reached above the water surface.

If the initial height is given, you can calculate the actual height the dolphin reached by adding the initial height to the altitude above the water surface.