Which of the following statements best explains the motivations for creating the EIC?(1 point)

The Mughal Empire was monopolizing trade with Europe, which
threatened the British.
Mercantilist policies saw economic strength and the protection of
trade as key to national security.
The Industrial Revolution allowed for the creation of new ship designs
and navigation technologies.
The British government wanted to conquer the Mughal Empire by
gaining the support of local nawabs.

The Mughal Empire was monopolizing trade with Europe, which threatened the British.

The best statement to explain the motivations for creating the East India Company (EIC) is:

Mercantilist policies saw economic strength and the protection of trade as key to national security.

To determine which of the statements best explains the motivations for creating the East India Company (EIC), let's analyze each option and understand how they relate to the EIC's establishment:

1. The Mughal Empire was monopolizing trade with Europe, which threatened the British.
This statement suggests that the British felt threatened by the Mughal Empire's control over trade with Europe. While the Mughals did have significant control over trade routes, this alone may not fully explain the motivations for establishing the EIC.

2. Mercantilist policies saw economic strength and the protection of trade as key to national security.
Mercantilism was an economic theory popular during the time the EIC was established. It emphasized the belief that a country's wealth and power relied on accumulating precious metals and establishing favorable trade relationships. This statement suggests that the EIC was created to protect trade and promote economic strength, which aligns with mercantilist principles.

3. The Industrial Revolution allowed for the creation of new ship designs and navigation technologies.
The Industrial Revolution, characterized by advancements in manufacturing and technology, undoubtedly had an impact on exploration and trade. However, it does not directly explain the motivations behind creating the EIC.

4. The British government wanted to conquer the Mughal Empire by gaining the support of local nawabs.
This statement suggests that the British government sought to conquer the Mughal Empire by enlisting the support of local nawabs (rulers). While the British did engage in military conflicts with the Mughals, using the EIC primarily as a tool for conquest may not fully encapsulate the motivations behind its establishment.

Considering the options, the statement that best explains the motivations for creating the EIC is option 2: "Mercantilist policies saw economic strength and the protection of trade as key to national security." This aligns with the principles of mercantilism, which emphasized securing favorable trade relationships and protecting national economic interests.