Pique definition

Pique is a noun that refers to a feeling of irritation or resentment, typically resulting from being ignored, offended, or slighted. It can also be used as a verb, meaning to provoke or stimulate someone's interest or curiosity.

The word "pique" has multiple meanings depending on its context:

1. As a noun, "pique" refers to a feeling of irritation or resentment, typically due to wounded pride or offense. It can also describe a state of curiosity or interest. For example:

- He felt a sense of pique after being ignored by his colleagues.
- Her pique led her to investigate further into the matter.

2. As a verb, "pique" has a few different meanings:

a) To provoke or arouse someone's interest or curiosity. For example:
- The intriguing puzzle piqued his interest in cryptography.

b) To feel or show resentment or anger. For example:
- His comment piqued her, and she responded sharply.

c) In the context of sewing, "pique" refers to a type of fabric with a raised or ribbed pattern.

Overall, "pique" is often associated with strong emotions like anger, curiosity, or offense.

To understand the definition of the word "pique," we can break it down into the following steps:

1. Consult a reputable dictionary: To find the most accurate definition, it is best to refer to a reliable dictionary. There are numerous online dictionaries available, such as Merriam-Webster, Oxford English Dictionary, or Dictionary.com.

2. Search for the word "pique": Once you have selected a dictionary, search for the word "pique" using the search bar or by browsing through the alphabetical listings.

3. Read the definition: Look for the section that provides the definition of "pique." It will typically include the part of speech (noun or verb), pronunciation guide, and various meanings or variations of the word.

To provide a brief definition, "pique" can be both a noun and a verb. As a noun, it refers to a feeling of irritation, resentment, or offense due to a perceived slight or insult. As a verb, it means to provoke, arouse, or stimulate someone's interest, curiosity, or annoyance.

It is important to note that the nuances and usage of the word "pique" can vary based on the context in which it is used. Reading example sentences provided in the dictionary can assist in understanding its usage better.