Tarry definition

The definition of "tarry" can vary depending on the context. Here are the two most common meanings:

1. To stay or remain in a place longer than necessary; to linger or delay. Example: "He tarried at the park, enjoying the sunny weather."
2. To coat or cover with tar or a similar substance. Example: "The workers tarried the roof to make it waterproof."

Note: "Tarry" is not a commonly used word in everyday conversation, and its meaning can sometimes be ambiguous.

The word "tarry" can have multiple definitions depending on the context:

1. Stay or delay in a place: "Tarry" can be used as a verb to describe someone staying or delaying in a particular place. For example, "She decided to tarry at the park until her friends arrived."

2. Remain or linger: It can also mean to remain or linger in a particular state or condition. For example, "The smell of smoke seemed to tarry in the air long after the fire was extinguished."

3. Stick or adhere: In some cases, "tarry" can be used to describe a substance that sticks or adheres to a surface. For example, "The thick oil tarrying on the roadway caused slippery conditions."

4. Black, viscous substance: Lastly, "tarry" can also refer to a black, viscous substance that is often associated with coal tar or other resins. For example, "The roof was coated with a layer of tarry substance after the rain."

Overall, the meaning of "tarry" can vary depending on the context in which it is used.

To find the definition of the word "tarry," you can consult a dictionary. There are several ways to do this:

1. Online Dictionaries: Search for "tarry definition" on a search engine, and you will find various online dictionaries, such as Merriam-Webster or Oxford English Dictionary. Click on one of the search results, and the definition of "tarry" will be provided for you to read.

2. Dictionary Apps: If you have a dictionary app installed on your smartphone or tablet, open the app and search for "tarry" within it. The app will display the definition and possibly provide additional information, such as synonyms or usage examples.

3. Physical Dictionaries: If you prefer printed materials, you can use a physical dictionary. Look for a comprehensive English dictionary, either in your personal collection or at a library. Locate the word "tarry" in the alphabetical order, and read the corresponding definition.

Now, as for the definition of "tarry," it typically means to delay, linger, or stay in a place longer than necessary, often implying a reluctance or hesitancy to leave. It can also refer to the act of applying tar or other similar substances to a surface.