The picture shows a ball rolling up a ramp.

4 sec

3 sec.

2 sec

1 sec.

Which statement best describes the motion of the ball?

(1 point)

The speed of the bell is increasing

The speed of the ball is decreasing

O The motion of the ball is constant

The mation of the ball is stepping

The statement "The motion of the ball is constant" best describes the motion of the ball.

Based on the given information, the statement that best describes the motion of the ball is "The speed of the ball is decreasing." This can be determined by the fact that the time intervals are decreasing, suggesting that the ball is slowing down as it moves up the ramp.

To determine the motion of the ball based on the given information, we need to analyze the changes in its speed.

From the given sequence of time intervals, we can observe that the time is decreasing in each consecutive interval: 4 seconds, then 3 seconds, then 2 seconds, and finally 1 second.

Based on this information, we can conclude that the speed of the ball is decreasing. Therefore, the correct statement describing the motion of the ball is: "The speed of the ball is decreasing."