For her phone service, Ann pays a monthly fee of $16, and she pays an additional $0.05 per minute of use.The least she has been charged in a month is $72.65

what are the possible numbers of minutes she has used her phone in a month use m for the number of minutes, and solve your inequality for m

The total cost Ann pays in a month is a combination of the monthly fee and the additional cost per minute of use. We can represent this with the equation:

16 + 0.05m = 72.65

To solve for m, we need to isolate it on one side of the equation. First, subtract 16 from both sides:

0.05m = 72.65 - 16
0.05m = 56.65

Next, divide both sides by 0.05 to solve for m:

m = 56.65 / 0.05
m = 1133

Therefore, the possible number of minutes Ann has used her phone in a month (m) is 1133 or more.

Let's solve the inequality step by step:

- Monthly fee: $16
- Additional charge per minute: $0.05
- Least charge in a month: $72.65

The total monthly charge consists of the fixed fee plus the additional charge per minute:
Total Monthly Charge = Monthly Fee + (Additional Charge per Minute * Number of Minutes)

Let's set up an inequality to represent the least charge in a month:

$72.65 ≤ $16 + ($0.05 * m)

Where "m" represents the number of minutes used in a month.

Now, let's solve for "m":

$72.65 ≤ $16 + ($0.05 * m)

Subtract $16 from both sides:

$72.65 - $16 ≤ $0.05 * m

$56.65 ≤ $0.05 * m

Divide both sides by $0.05:

$56.65 / $0.05 ≤ m

1133 ≤ m

Therefore, the possible numbers of minutes she has used her phone in a month, denoted by "m," are greater than or equal to 1133.

To calculate the possible number of minutes Ann has used her phone in a month, we can set up an inequality using the given information.

Let's denote the number of minutes as "m".

According to the question, Ann pays a monthly fee of $16 and an additional $0.05 per minute of use. Therefore, the total cost "C" in terms of minutes can be calculated as follows:

C = 16 + 0.05m

We also know that the least she has been charged in a month is $72.65. So we can set up the inequality as follows:

C ≥ 72.65

Substituting the value of C, we have:

16 + 0.05m ≥ 72.65

To solve this inequality for "m", we need to isolate the variable on one side.

16 + 0.05m ≥ 72.65
0.05m ≥ 72.65 - 16
0.05m ≥ 56.65

Now, divide both sides of the inequality by 0.05 to solve for "m":

(0.05m) / 0.05 ≥ 56.65 / 0.05
m ≥ 1133

Therefore, the possible number of minutes Ann has used her phone in a month (m) is equal to or greater than 1133 minutes.