I am a two-digit number I have a seven in the tens place you say me when you count by tens

The number is 70.

To find the number you are describing, let's break it down step-by-step:

Step 1: You are a two-digit number.
This means that you are a number between 10 and 99.

Step 2: You have a seven in the tens place.
This means that the digit in the tens place is 7.

Step 3: You say me when you count by tens.
This means that when you count by tens, you say this number.

So, based on these steps, the number you are describing is 70.

To find the number that fits the given criteria, we need to count by tens and look for a number with a seven in the tens place. Let's start counting by tens and look for the number pattern until we find the number.

10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70.

When we count by tens, we see that the number with a seven in the tens place is 70. Therefore, the answer to your question is 70.