Ms. Davis hires Kyle to mow the grass, edge the lawn, clean up the leaves, and plant 2 flower beds. Kyle spends 3.2 hours completing the work. What is Kyle's average hourly earnings for the job?


To calculate Kyle's average hourly earnings for the job, we need to divide the total amount he earned by the number of hours he worked.

First, we need to determine how much Kyle earned for the job. The question does not provide information about Kyle's hourly rate, so we cannot calculate the exact amount he earned.

Let's assume Kyle earned $x for the job.

Next, we can use the equation: average hourly earnings = total earnings / total hours worked.

In this case, Kyle's total earnings are $x and he worked for 3.2 hours. Therefore, his average hourly earnings can be calculated as follows:

average hourly earnings = $x / 3.2 hours

As we do not have the exact value for x, we cannot calculate the average hourly earnings without further information.

To find Kyle's average hourly earnings for the job, we need to divide the total amount he earned by the number of hours he worked. However, we do not have the information on how much Kyle was paid for the job. Without this information, we cannot calculate his average hourly earnings.

To find Kyle's average hourly earnings for the job, we need to divide the total earnings by the number of hours worked.

First, we need to determine how much Kyle earned for the job. Let's assume his total earnings for the job are $X.

Next, we find the average hourly earnings using the formula: Average Hourly Earnings = Total Earnings / Total Hours Worked.

In this case, Kyle worked for 3.2 hours. So, we can represent this using the formula:

Average Hourly Earnings = X / 3.2

To find X, we need additional information. We need to know either the total amount Kyle earned for the job or his hourly rate.

Do you have any additional information that can help us determine Kyle's total earnings for the job or his hourly rate?