A boy left his house to jog he walk 300 steps west in a time of 5 minutes; he quickly turned around and walked 180 steps east in a time 2 minutes. If one step is equivalent to 0.60m, calculate (a) the total distance he did walked, (b) his average speed in m/s, (C) his displacement (d) his average velocity in m/s

(a) To calculate the total distance he walked, we need to add the distances he walked going west and east.

Distance west = 300 steps * 0.60m/step = 180m
Distance east = 180 steps * 0.60m/step = 108m

Total distance = Distance west + Distance east
Total distance = 180m + 108m = 288m

Therefore, the total distance he walked is 288 meters.

(b) To calculate his average speed, we use the formula:

Average speed = Total distance / Total time

Total time = 5 minutes + 2 minutes = 7 minutes

Converting this to seconds: 7 minutes * 60 seconds/minute = 420 seconds

Average speed = 288m / 420s

Therefore, his average speed is approximately 0.686 m/s.

(c) To calculate his displacement, we need to find the difference between the total distance he walked west and the total distance he walked east.

Displacement = Distance west - Distance east
Displacement = 180m - 108m

Therefore, his displacement is 72m to the west.

(d) To calculate his average velocity, we use the formula:

Average velocity = Displacement / Total time

Average velocity = 72m / 420s

Therefore, his average velocity is approximately 0.171 m/s to the west.

To calculate the total distance walked, you need to find the sum of the distances walked in each direction:

Distance walked west: 300 steps × 0.60 m/step = 180 m
Distance walked east: 180 steps × 0.60 m/step = 108 m

Total distance = Distance walked west + Distance walked east
Total distance = 180 m + 108 m
Total distance = 288 m

Therefore, the total distance walked is 288 meters.

To calculate the average speed, you need to divide the total distance by the total time taken:

Total time taken = Time taken west + Time taken east
Total time taken = 5 minutes + 2 minutes
Total time taken = 7 minutes = 7 × 60 seconds = 420 seconds

Average speed = Total distance / Total time taken
Average speed = 288 m / 420 s
Average speed ≈ 0.686 m/s

Therefore, the average speed is approximately 0.686 m/s.

To calculate the displacement, you need to find the difference between the distance walked west and the distance walked east:

Displacement = Distance walked west - Distance walked east
Displacement = 180 m - 108 m
Displacement = 72 m

Therefore, the displacement is 72 meters.

To calculate the average velocity, you need to divide the displacement by the total time taken:

Average velocity = Displacement / Total time taken
Average velocity = 72 m / 420 s
Average velocity ≈ 0.171 m/s

Therefore, the average velocity is approximately 0.171 m/s.

To calculate the information requested, follow these steps:

(a) To find the total distance, you need to sum up the distances traveled in each direction. The distance traveled is the product of the number of steps and the distance covered by each step.
- Westward distance: 300 steps * 0.60m/step = 180m
- Eastward distance: 180 steps * 0.60m/step = 108m
- Total distance: 180m + 108m = 288m

(b) To find the average speed, divide the total distance by the total time taken.
- Total time: 5 minutes + 2 minutes = 7 minutes = 7 * 60 seconds = 420 seconds
- Average speed: 288m / 420s ≈ 0.686 m/s

(c) To find the displacement, you need to calculate the difference between the initial and final positions. Displacement is a vector quantity, so you need to consider the direction as well.
- Displacement in the west direction: 300 steps * 0.60m/step = 180m (westward)
- Displacement in the east direction: 180 steps * 0.60m/step = 108m (eastward)
- Net displacement: 180m - 108m = 72m (westward)

(d) To find the average velocity, divide the displacement by the total time taken.
- Average velocity: 72m / 420s ≈ 0.171 m/s (westward)