At the end of fiscal year 2004, the federal debt of Country C is $278,560,125,000. What is the closest estimation of this amount? Express your answer in the form of a single digit times an integer power of 10.(1 point)


3 × 10−11
3 times 10 superscript negative 11 baseline

3 × 1011
3 times 10 superscript 11 baseline

2.79 × 1011
2.79 times 10 superscript 11 baseline

2 × 1011
2 times 10 superscript 11 baseline

The closest estimation of $278,560,125,000 is 2.79 × 1011.

The closest estimation of the federal debt of Country C at the end of fiscal year 2004, $278,560,125,000, is 2.79 × 10^11.

To estimate the federal debt of Country C at the end of fiscal year 2004, we can convert the given amount into scientific notation.

The given amount is $278,560,125,000.

To express this in scientific notation, we need to move the decimal point to the right until there is only one non-zero digit to the left of the decimal point.

Moving the decimal point 11 places to the left gives us $2.78560125.

Now, since we moved the decimal point to the left by 11 places, we can represent this value as 2.78560125 × 10^11.

Therefore, the closest estimation of the federal debt of Country C at the end of fiscal year 2004 is 2 × 10^11.