
What is a government in which all power is held by a single person or a small group called?

Authoritarian government

Federal system

Unitary system


A government in which all power is held by a single person or a small group is called an authoritarian government.

A government in which all power is held by a single person or a small group is called an authoritarian government.

The correct answer is an "Authoritarian government." An authoritarian government is a system in which all power is concentrated in the hands of a single person or a small group of individuals. This type of government does not have any checks or balances on the ruler's authority, and decisions are made without the input of the people. To determine this answer, you can eliminate the other options by understanding their definitions:

- A "Federal system" is a government structure where power is divided between a central government and regional governments. This allows for a sharing of power and authority between different levels of government rather than concentration in one person or group.

- A "Unitary system" refers to a governmental structure where power is held by a central authority, which can make decisions for the entire country or territory. It may include some regional divisions, but the ultimate authority resides at the center.

- "Constitution" refers to a written document that outlines the basic principles, rights, and responsibilities of a government. While an authoritarian government may have a constitution, its power is still centralized in one person or a select few, undermining the fundamental principles of democracy.