
What is a country with a less-productive economy and a lower quality of life called?



Developing country


A country with a less-productive economy and a lower quality of life is typically called a developing country.

A country with a less-productive economy and a lower quality of life is typically referred to as a developing country. Developing countries are characterized by lower levels of industrialization, infrastructure, and overall economic output compared to more developed countries. They often face challenges such as poverty, inadequate healthcare, limited educational opportunities, and political instability.

The term you are looking for is a "developing country." A developing country is typically characterized by having a less-productive economy and a lower quality of life compared to more developed nations. To arrive at this answer, we can break down the options given:

1. Trade: Trade refers to the buying and selling of goods and services between different countries or regions. While trade can have an impact on a country's economy and quality of life, it does not possess the specific characteristics mentioned in the question.

2. Productivity: Productivity is the measure of output produced per unit of input. It is an important factor in economic growth and development. However, a lower productivity alone does not necessarily define a country as having a lower quality of life.

3. Developing country: A developing country is a nation that has not reached a high level of industrialization and economic advancement compared to more developed countries. Developing countries typically have lower levels of economic productivity and a lower quality of life in terms of factors such as income, healthcare, education, and infrastructure.

4. Tariff: A tariff is a tax imposed by a government on imported or exported goods. While tariffs can have an impact on a country's economy, they do not directly relate to the description given in the question.

Therefore, the correct answer to the question is "developing country."