State the difference between abiogenesis and biogenesis in a simple term

Abiogenesis is the idea that life can arise from non-living matter, while biogenesis is the belief that life arises only from pre-existing living organisms.

Abiogenesis refers to the idea that life can arise from non-living matter or inanimate substances, while biogenesis asserts that life can only come from pre-existing living organisms. In simpler terms, abiogenesis suggests that life can originate from non-living things, while biogenesis states that life only comes from other living things.

Abiogenesis refers to the theory that life can arise from non-living matter, while biogenesis is the theory that living organisms can only come from other living organisms. In simple terms, abiogenesis suggests that life can spontaneously emerge from non-living materials, whereas biogenesis argues that life always comes from pre-existing living organisms.