Which is the LEAST eccentric orbit?





The least eccentric orbit is when e = 0, which means the orbit is perfectly circular. None of the options given have an eccentricity of 0, so among the given options, the least eccentric orbit is when e = 0.001.

Why were Tycho Brahe's data and observations important for Kepler's laws?

They proved one of the laws to be true.

They disproved the laws.

They provided evidence to support the laws.

They had no relation to the laws.

They provided evidence to support the laws.

Where is the sun located on Earth’s elliptical orbit?

at a focus

at the perihelium

at the aphelium

at the center of the two foci

The Sun is located at one of the foci of Earth's elliptical orbit.

The least eccentric orbit is the one where the eccentricity (e) is closest to 0. Since e=0.001 is the closest value to 0 compared to the other options (e=0.90, e=1, and e=0.25), the correct answer is e=0.001.

To determine which orbit has the least eccentricity, we need to understand what eccentricity represents. In the context of orbits, eccentricity (e) describes the shape of the orbit.

In general, eccentricity ranges from 0 (perfectly circular orbit) to 1 (highly elongated, or "eccentric," orbit). A value of e between 0 and 1 indicates an elliptical orbit, with higher values indicating greater elongation.

Now, let's compare the given values of eccentricity:

1. e = 0.001: This value represents an almost perfect circular orbit. Since it is very close to 0, the orbit is nearly circular and therefore has the least eccentricity among the options provided.

2. e = 0.90: This value indicates a highly elliptical (eccentric) orbit. It is considerably close to 1, meaning the orbit is significantly elongated.

3. e = 1: A value of 1 signifies a perfectly parabolic orbit. This type of orbit is a special case where the object is on a trajectory to escape a gravitational field.

4. e = 0.25: This value suggests an elliptical orbit, but with a shape closer to a circle compared to the value of 0.90. However, it is still more eccentric than the value of 0.001.

Therefore, the orbit with the least eccentricity among the given options is e = 0.001.