Can someone show me how to solve the inequality below?

-5(x + 4) > 3(x - 4)

To solve, treat it as you would an equation.

First, multiply each side out, then get the numerical terms on one side and the x terms on the other.

I hope this helps. Thanks for asking.

Sure! To solve the inequality -5(x + 4) > 3(x - 4), we need to simplify it step-by-step.

1. Start by distributing the -5 and 3 to the terms in the parentheses:
-5x - 20 > 3x - 12

2. Next, combine like terms by bringing all the x terms to one side and the numerical terms to the other side:
-5x - 3x > 12 - 20

Simplifying further, we have:
-8x > -8

3. Now, we want to isolate the variable x by dividing both sides of the inequality by -8. Since we are dividing by a negative number, the inequality sign will flip:
-8x / -8 < -8 / -8

4. Simplify:
x < 1

So, the solution to the inequality is x < 1.

Remember, when solving an inequality, if you multiply or divide both sides by a negative number, you need to flip the inequality sign.