A slice of cheese is 3.0°c and is sitting on a dish that is 3.0°C. If the dish and the cheese are in a refrigerator that is set to 3.0°c, which of the following statements are true?

Based on the information given, all of the following statements are true:

1. The temperature of the slice of cheese is equal to the temperature of the dish, both being 3.0°C.
2. The temperature of the slice of cheese and the dish matches the temperature setting of the refrigerator, which is also 3.0°C.

Based on the given information, the following statements are true:

1. The slice of cheese is at the same temperature as the dish and the refrigerator, which is 3.0°C.
2. The temperature of the cheese and the dish are equal.
3. The temperature of the cheese, the dish, and the refrigerator are all 3.0°C.

To determine which of the following statements are true, we need to compare the temperatures of the slice of cheese, the dish, and the refrigerator. The statements should be true if the temperatures are equal, and false if they are not.

Given that the slice of cheese is 3.0°C, the dish is 3.0°C, and the refrigerator is set to 3.0°C, we can make the following comparisons:

1. The slice of cheese and the dish have the same temperature (3.0°C). Therefore, statement 1 is true.

2. The temperature of the refrigerator is the same as the temperature of the slice of cheese and the dish (3.0°C). Therefore, statement 2 is true.

3. The temperature of the refrigerator is the same as the temperature of the slice of cheese and the dish (3.0°C). Therefore, statement 3 is true.

In conclusion, all three statements are true.