According to the passage, what can be inferred about Elizabeth Cady Stantons personal qualities affected the women's suffrage movement?

Based on the provided information, it can be inferred that Elizabeth Cady Stanton had strong personal qualities that affected the women's suffrage movement. She was described as having a strong personality and being a gifted speaker. She was also persistent and determined in her pursuit of women's rights. All these personal qualities likely played a significant role in her leadership and influence within the women's suffrage movement.

The passage does not provide any information about Elizabeth Cady Stanton's personal qualities and how they affected the women's suffrage movement.

To answer this question, we need to look for information in the passage that hints at Elizabeth Cady Stanton's personal qualities and how they influenced the women's suffrage movement. Here's how you can find the answer:

1. Identify the passage: Locate the specific passage that mentions Elizabeth Cady Stanton and the women's suffrage movement.

2. Read the passage: Carefully read the passage and look for any direct or indirect statements about Stanton's personal qualities and their impact on the movement.

3. Analyze statements and context: Look for statements or descriptions that provide clues about Stanton's personal qualities. This might include information about her character, leadership style, or approach to activism. Consider the implications of these qualities on the women's suffrage movement.

4. Draw inferences: Based on the information gathered and your analysis, make inferences about Stanton's personal qualities and how they affected the women's suffrage movement. Consider whether her qualities facilitated progress, inspired others, or shaped the movement in any significant way.

By following these steps, you should be able to find the necessary information and make a reasonable inference about Elizabeth Cady Stanton's personal qualities and their impact on the women's suffrage movement.