What type of government is characterized by being run from a central location, often led by a single ruler or king?

a. Decentralized government

b. Polytheistic governmen

c. Centralized governmen

d. Religious government

c. Centralized government

The correct answer is c. Centralized government.

The correct answer is c. Centralized government. Let me explain how to arrive at this answer.

To identify the type of government characterized by being run from a central location and often led by a single ruler or king, we need to understand the key features of different types of governments.

a. Decentralized government refers to a system in which power is distributed among different regions or subunits, and decision-making authority is shared.

b. Polytheistic government refers to a religious system where multiple deities are worshipped and play a role in the governance of a society. However, this question specifically asks about the type of government, not the religious beliefs or practices.

c. Centralized government involves power being concentrated in a central location, where decisions are made and often led by a single ruler or king. This is commonly seen in monarchies and autocracies.

d. Religious government refers to a system where religious institutions have significant control and influence over political decision-making. However, this does not necessarily imply a central location or a single ruler.

Based on the above explanations, the correct answer is c. Centralized government.