Using logarithm table solve 5.25(23.73)

To solve the expression 5.25(23.73) using a logarithm table, we need to break it down into smaller steps using logarithmic properties.

Step 1: Take the logarithm of 5.25
- Look for the logarithm of 5.25 in the logarithm table. Let's assume it is log(5.25) = 0.7201.

Step 2: Take the logarithm of 23.73
- Look for the logarithm of 23.73 in the logarithm table. Let's assume it is log(23.73) = 1.3752.

Step 3: Add the logarithms
- Add the logarithms obtained from steps 1 and 2, which gives:
0.7201 + 1.3752 = 2.0953

Step 4: Find the antilogarithm
- Look for the antilogarithm of 2.0953 in the antilogarithm table. Let's assume it is 144.623.

So, 5.25(23.73) is approximately equal to 144.623.

To solve the expression 5.25 * 23.73 using logarithm tables, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Take the logarithm (base 10) of both numbers
log(5.25) = 0.7201
log(23.73) = 1.3754

Step 2: Add the logarithms together
0.7201 + 1.3754 = 2.0955

Step 3: Find the antilogarithm (exponentiation) of the sum
antilog(2.0955) = 126.384

Therefore, 5.25 * 23.73 = 126.384

To solve the expression 5.25(23.73) using a logarithm table, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Convert the expression to logarithmic form.
5.25(23.73) = log(x)

Step 2: Use the logarithmic properties to simplify the expression.
log(a * b) = log(a) + log(b)
log(5.25) + log(23.73) = log(x)

Step 3: Look up the logarithms of 5.25 and 23.73 in the logarithm table.
From the table, we can find that log(5.25) = 0.7200 (approximately)
And log(23.73) = 1.3745 (approximately)

Step 4: Substitute the logarithmic values into the equation.
0.7200 + 1.3745 = log(x)

Step 5: Calculate the sum on the left side of the equation.
0.7200 + 1.3745 = 2.0945

Step 6: Solve for x by converting the equation to exponential form.
x = 10^(2.0945)

Step 7: Use the exponential function to calculate the final result.
x ≈ 121.616

Therefore, using a logarithm table, the solution to the expression 5.25(23.73) is approximately 121.616.