What personal information do websites and apps have the ability to collect about you? Select all options that apply from the options below.

Your location  

Your language preferences  

The kind of device you are using  

Your password

Your browsing history

Your IP address

Your email address

Your search history

Your social media profiles

Your credit card information

The correct options are:

- Your location
- Your language preferences
- The kind of device you are using

To determine what personal information websites and apps can collect about you, we need to consider the options provided.

1. Your location: Websites and apps can collect and track your location information if you have granted them permission to use your device's GPS or Wi-Fi data. This allows them to provide location-based services or targeted advertising.

2. Your language preferences: Websites and apps may collect and store information about your preferred language settings. This can help them display content in your preferred language or tailor their services accordingly.

3. The kind of device you are using: By analyzing the user agent or device information, websites and apps can determine the type of device (such as a laptop, smartphone, or tablet) you are using. This information aids in optimizing the user experience, determining compatibility, or offering device-specific features.

4. Your password: Generally, websites and apps should not have access to your password. It is common best practice for passwords to be securely stored using encryption techniques that prevent unauthorized access. Reputable websites and apps should never ask for your password directly unless you are logging in.

Based on the options provided, the applicable choices for personal information that websites and apps can collect are:

- Your location
- Your language preferences
- The kind of device you are using

It is important to be cognizant of the privacy policies of websites and apps and to review their permissions and settings to understand and control what information is being collected and how it is being used.