Which of the following actions are considered cyberbullying? Select all that apply from the options below.

Crude names and labels

Withholding access to someone’s rightfully owned possessions

Complementing someone

Rumours and false information about things you said or did

Disclosing personal information

WhatsApp statuses of your cat

Crude names and labels

Rumours and false information about things you said or did
Disclosing personal information

The actions that are considered cyberbullying from the options provided are:

- Crude names and labels
- Rumours and false information about things you said or did
- Disclosing personal information

To determine which of the options are considered cyberbullying, let's analyze each one:

1. Crude names and labels: This is considered cyberbullying as it involves using derogatory or offensive language to intentionally harm or ridicule someone.

2. Withholding access to someone's rightfully owned possessions: While this can be seen as a form of bullying, it doesn't specifically fall under cyberbullying. Cyberbullying primarily occurs online through electronic mediums.

3. Complementing someone: Complimenting someone is not considered cyberbullying. Cyberbullying involves negative and harmful actions towards someone, rather than positive expressions.

4. Rumors and false information about things you said or did: This is cyberbullying as spreading rumors and false information online can harm a person's reputation and emotional well-being.

5. Disclosing personal information: This is also considered cyberbullying as it invades someone's privacy and can lead to harassment or identity theft.

6. WhatsApp statuses of your cat: This option does not involve any form of bullying since it refers to posting statuses about one's own cat. However, if the WhatsApp statuses involve derogatory language or negative intentions towards someone else, it may be considered cyberbullying.

Based on the above analysis, the following actions are considered cyberbullying:

- Crude names and labels
- Rumors and false information about things you said or did
- Disclosing personal information

Remember that cyberbullying can take many forms, so it's important to be aware of your online actions and treat others with respect and kindness.