One fluid ounce is equivalent to 0.0078125 US liquid gallon. How do you write 0.0078125 in scientific notation?(1 point)

0.0078125 in scientific notation is written as 7.8125 x 10^-3.


To write 0.0078125 in scientific notation, we need to move the decimal point until there is only one non-zero digit to the left of the decimal point. In this case, we need to move the decimal point 4 places to the right:

0.0078125 = 7.8125 × 10^(-3)

To write 0.0078125 in scientific notation, follow the steps below:

1. Identify the non-zero digit: The non-zero digit in 0.0078125 is 7.

2. Count the number of decimal places between the non-zero digit and the decimal point: In this case, there are five decimal places between 7 and the decimal point.

3. Rewrite the number using scientific notation: Move the decimal point to the right, so that it follows the non-zero digit. Write the remaining digits as the coefficient, and multiply it by the appropriate power of 10 to compensate for the movement of the decimal point.

For 0.0078125:

Moving the decimal point five places to the right gives 7.8125.

Since we moved the decimal point to the right, we decrease the exponent of 10 by the same number of places we moved the decimal point. In this case, we moved the decimal point five places to the right, so the exponent will be -5.

Therefore, 0.0078125 in scientific notation is written as 7.8125 x 10^-5.

What is the number 5.1×107 written in decimal notation?(1 point)