5. One U.S. dollar is worth $1.23 Canadian dollars. Bernice is traveling to Canada and wants to convert $550 U.S. to Canadian money. How much in Canadian money should she receive?

To convert $550 U.S. to Canadian dollars, Bernice should receive $550 x 1.23 = $<<550*1.23=676.50>>676.50 in Canadian money. Answer: \boxed{676.50}.

6. One U.S. dollar is worth $1.23 Canadian dollars. Rene is traveling from Canada to the United States and wants to convert $550 of Canadian money to U.S. money. How much in U.S. money should he receive? Round your answer to the nearest cent.

To convert $550 Canadian to U.S. dollars, Rene should receive $550 / 1.23 = $447.15 in U.S. money. Rounded to the nearest cent, Rene should receive $447.15 in U.S. money. Answer: \boxed{447.15}.

7. One U.S. dollar is worth $1.23 Canadian dollars. What is one Canadian dollar worth in U.S. funds? Round your answer to the nearest cent.

To find what one Canadian dollar is worth in U.S. funds, we can take the reciprocal of the exchange rate of $1.23 Canadian dollars per U.S. dollar. This gives us 1 / 1.23 = 0.813, which means that one Canadian dollar is worth $0.813 in U.S. funds. Rounded to the nearest cent, one Canadian dollar is worth $0.81 in U.S. funds. Answer: \boxed{0.81}.

8. A salad recipe needs one cup of crushed almonds. It will serve eight people. Rashida needs to make a salad to serve 20 people. How many cups of crushed almonds does she need?

If the salad recipe serves 8 people and requires 1 cup of crushed almonds, then we can calculate the number of cups of crushed almonds per person by dividing the required amount by the number of servings. Therefore, 1 cup / 8 people = 1/8 cup of crushed almonds per person.

Since Rashida needs to make the salad for 20 people, we can calculate the total amount of crushed almonds needed by multiplying the amount per person by the number of people. Thus, 1/8 cup/person * 20 people = 20/8 = 2.5 cups of crushed almonds.

Therefore, Rashida needs 2.5 cups of crushed almonds to serve 20 people. Answer: \boxed{2.5}.

A salad recipe needs one cup of crushed almonds. It will serve eight people. Elmer has 4.75 cups of crushed almonds. If he uses all of the crushed almonds he has to make this salad, how many people will it serve?

If Elmer has 4.75 cups of crushed almonds and the recipe requires 1 cup of crushed almonds to serve 8 people,we can calculate the number of servings by dividing the amount of crushed almonds by the amount required per serving.

Therefore, 4.75 cups / 1 cup/serving = 4.75 servings.

Since we can't have a fraction of a serving, we round down to the nearest whole number.

This means that Elmer's 4.75 cups of crushed almonds will serve 4 people. Answer: \boxed{4}.

10. Jorge is 6 feet tall and casts a 7-foot shadow. At the same time, a nearby tree has a shadow of 56 feet. How tall is the tree? 5.4 • Ratios and Proportions 375