3. A high school has 960 students. The ratio of students to high school teachers is. How many high school teachers are at the school?

The ratio of students to high school teachers is not provided in the question.

To find the number of high school teachers at the school, we need to know the ratio of students to teachers. The problem statement does not provide this information. Please provide the ratio of students to high school teachers.

To find the number of high school teachers at the school, we need to determine the ratio of students to high school teachers. The problem does not specify the exact ratio, so let's break it down step by step.

Step 1: Define the variables:
Let's assume the number of students is represented by "S," and the number of high school teachers is represented by "T."

Step 2: Set up the ratio:
The ratio of students to high school teachers can be written as S:T.

Step 3: Use the given information:
The problem states that the high school has 960 students. So, we substitute S with 960 in the ratio equation:

Step 4: Simplify the ratio:
To simplify the ratio further, we need to determine a common factor or multiplier that can be applied to both sides.
One way to do this is finding the greatest common divisor (GCD) of the numbers. In this case, the GCD of 960 and T is 1 since there are no common factors other than 1.

Step 5: Determine the number of high school teachers:
Since the ratio is already simplified, the number of high school teachers (T) is equal to the denominator of the ratio. Therefore, there are T high school teachers at the school.

In conclusion, the answer depends on the specific given ratio. If the ratio is not provided, we cannot determine the exact number of high school teachers.