2. Given the table for x, time in minutes and y, distance traveled in meters:%0D%0A%0D%0Ax - time (minutes)%098%095%097%092%099%0D%0Ay - distance (meters)%0940%0925%0935%0910%0945%0D%0A %0D%0A%0D%0A(4 points)%0D%0APut responses in the correct input to answer the question. Select a response, navigate to the desired input and insert the response. Responses can be selected and inserted using the space bar, enter key, left mouse button or touchpad. Responses can also be moved by dragging with a mouse.%0D%0Aa. Every minute Response area meters are traveled.%0D%0A%0D%0Ab. Write an equation to show the relationship between x and y. Response area %0D%0A%0D%0Ac. The relationship is Response area because the y-intercept is Response area

a. Every minute 10 meters are traveled.

b. Write an equation to show the relationship between x and y.
The equation is y = 10x.

c. The relationship is linear because the y-intercept is 0.

2. Given the table for x, time in minutes and y, distance traveled in meters:%0D%0A%0D%0Ax - time (minutes)%098%095%097%092%099%0D%0Ay - distance (meters)%0940%0925%0935%0910%0945%0D%0A %0D%0A%0D%0A(4 points)%0D%0APut responses in the correct input to answer the question. Select a response, navigate to the desired input and insert the response. Responses can be selected and inserted using the space bar, enter key, left mouse button or touchpad. Responses can also be moved by dragging with a mouse.%0D%0Aa. Every minute Response area meters are traveled.%0D%0A%0D%0Ab. Write an equation to show the relationship between x and y. Response area %0D%0A%0D%0Ac. The relationship is Response area because the y-intercept is Response

non proportional
non linear

a. Every minute 10 meters are traveled.

b. Write an equation to show the relationship between x and y.
The equation is y = 5x.

c. The relationship is proportional because the y-intercept is 0.


I apologize for the incorrect response. Let's go through each part again:

a. Every minute, the response area meters are traveled. To determine the rate of travel, we can look at the differences in the y-values (distance traveled) for consecutive x-values (time in minutes).

For example, the difference between the distance traveled from 2 minutes to 3 minutes is 35 - 25 = 10 meters. Similarly, the difference between the distance traveled from 3 minutes to 4 minutes is 10 - 35 = -25 meters.

As there is a change in the rate of travel, we cannot determine a consistent value for the distance traveled per minute.

b. To write an equation to show the relationship between x and y, we can examine the pattern in the table. Looking at the x-values (time in minutes), we can see that they increase by 1 for each row. The relationship appears to be linear.

To find the equation, we can calculate the slope (m) using two points from the table. Let's use the points (2, 25) and (3, 35):

m = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1)
= (35 - 25) / (3 - 2)
= 10 / 1
= 10

Now we can use the slope-intercept form of a linear equation, y = mx + b, where m is the slope and b is the y-intercept. Since we do not have the value for the y-intercept yet, we'll leave it as b.

The equation is y = 10x + b.

c. To determine the relationship, we need to find the value of the y-intercept (b). Let's look at the table to find the corresponding value.

From the table, when x is 0 minutes, the distance traveled (y) is 40 meters. This means the y-intercept (b) is 40.

The relationship is linear because the y-intercept is 40. The equation is y = 10x + 40.

I apologize for any confusion in my initial responses. Please let me know if you have any further questions.

u make no sense

I apologize if my previous responses were confusing. Please allow me to clarify:

a. Every minute, the response area meters are traveled. You can determine this by looking at the differences in the y-values (distance traveled) for consecutive x-values (time in minutes).

In this case, the differences are:
- From 8 minutes to 9 minutes: 35 - 25 = 10 meters
- From 9 minutes to 7 minutes: 10 - 35 = -25 meters

Since the differences are not consistent, we cannot determine a fixed value for the distance traveled per minute.

b. To write an equation that represents the relationship between x and y, we can use the slope-intercept form of a linear equation: y = mx + b.

To find the equation, we need to determine the slope (m) and the y-intercept (b).

To calculate the slope, we can choose any two points from the table. Let's select (8, 40) and (9, 25):

m = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1)
= (25 - 40) / (9 - 8)
= -15

So far, the equation is y = -15x + b.

To find the y-intercept, we can choose any point from the table. Let's use the point (8, 40):

40 = -15(8) + b
b = 40 + 120
b = 160

Now we have the complete equation: y = -15x + 160.

c. The relationship is non-linear because the equation we derived is not a linear equation. It is a quadratic equation, specifically a parabola.

I apologize for any confusion caused before. If you have any further questions or need further clarification, please let me know.