
The result of 4.2 multiplied by 6.9 is 28.98.

To calculate 4.2 multiplied by 6.9, follow these steps:

Step 1: Multiply the decimal parts:
0.2 x 0.9 = 0.18

Step 2: Multiply the whole numbers part:
4 x 6 = 24

Step 3: Add the decimal parts from Step 1 to the result from Step 2:
24 + 0.18 = 24.18

Therefore, 4.2 multiplied by 6.9 equals 24.18.

To solve the multiplication problem 4.2 multiplied by 6.9, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by multiplying the digit in the ones place of 4.2 (2) by the digit in the ones place of 6.9 (9). This gives you 2 multiplied by 9, which equals 18.

2. Write down the result, 18, under the line, aligning it with the ones place.

3. Next, multiply the digit in the tenths place of 4.2 (4) by the digit in the ones place of 6.9 (9). This gives you 4 multiplied by 9, which equals 36.

4. Since this multiplication involves numbers in the tenths place, you need to move the decimal point one place to the right in the result from step 3. So, 36 becomes 3.6.

5. Write down the result, 3.6, under the line, aligning it with the tenths place.

6. Now, multiply the digit in the ones place of 4.2 (2) by the digit in the tenths place of 6.9 (6). This gives you 2 multiplied by 6, which equals 12.

7. Write down the result, 12, under the line, aligning it with the tenths place.

8. Finally, multiply the digit in the tenths place of 4.2 (4) by the digit in the tenths place of 6.9 (6). This gives you 4 multiplied by 6, which equals 24.

9. Since this multiplication involves numbers in the hundredths place, you need to move the decimal point two places to the right in the result from step 8. So, 24 becomes 0.24.

10. Write down the result, 0.24, under the line, aligning it with the hundredths place.

11. Now add up all the partial products:

+ 3.6
+ 12
+ 0.24

Therefore, the product of 4.2 multiplied by 6.9 is 29.04.