Simplify 310x + 16y + 310x + 36y . Be sure to reduce any fractions to the lowest terms.(1 point)

To simplify the expression 310x + 16y + 310x + 36y, we can combine like terms.

First, let's combine the x terms by adding the coefficients 310x + 310x. This simplifies to 620x.

Next, let's combine the y terms by adding the coefficients 16y + 36y. This simplifies to 52y.

So, the simplified expression is 620x + 52y.

To simplify the expression 310x + 16y + 310x + 36y, we can combine like terms.

First, let's rearrange the expression to group the like terms together:

310x + 310x + 16y + 36y

Now, let's combine the x terms:

310x + 310x = (310 + 310)x = 620x

And let's combine the y terms:

16y + 36y = (16 + 36)y = 52y

So the simplified expression is:

620x + 52y

To reduce any fractions to the lowest terms, we need to check if any of the coefficients have common factors. In this case, 620 and 52 have a common factor of 4.

Dividing both coefficients by 4, we get:

(620/4)x + (52/4)y

= 155x + 13y

Therefore, the simplified expression in lowest terms is 155x + 13y.

The simplified expression is 620x + 52y.