Pira drives 825 miles to California. The trip takes him 17 hours. He uses 38 gallons of gas on the trip, which costs him $125. • Find his speed. • Find his gas mileage. • Find the unit price he paid for gas.

To find Pira's speed, we can divide the distance he drove (825 miles) by the time it took him to complete the trip (17 hours).

Speed = Distance/Time
Speed = 825 miles / 17 hours
Speed = 48.53 miles per hour

So Pira's speed was approximately 48.53 miles per hour.

To find Pira's gas mileage, we can divide the distance he drove (825 miles) by the amount of gas he used (38 gallons).

Gas Mileage = Distance/Gas
Gas Mileage = 825 miles / 38 gallons
Gas Mileage = 21.71 miles per gallon

So Pira's gas mileage was approximately 21.71 miles per gallon.

To find the unit price Pira paid for gas, we can divide the total cost of gas ($125) by the amount of gas he used (38 gallons).

Unit Price = Total Cost/Gas
Unit Price = $125 / 38 gallons
Unit Price = $3.29 per gallon

So Pira paid approximately $3.29 per gallon for gas.

To find Pira's speed, we divide the total distance traveled by the total time taken:

Speed = Distance / Time

Speed = 825 miles / 17 hours

Speed = 48.53 miles per hour

To find Pira's gas mileage (fuel efficiency), we divide the total distance traveled by the total gas used:

Gas Mileage = Distance / Gas Used

Gas Mileage = 825 miles / 38 gallons

Gas Mileage = 21.71 miles per gallon

To find the unit price Pira paid for gas, we divide the total cost of gas by the total gas used:

Unit Price = Total Cost / Gas Used

Unit Price = $125 / 38 gallons

Unit Price = $3.29 per gallon

To find Pira's speed, we can use the formula:

Speed = Distance / Time

Given that Pira drives 825 miles and it takes him 17 hours, we can plug in these values into the formula:

Speed = 825 miles / 17 hours
Speed ≈ 48.53 miles per hour

Therefore, Pira's speed is around 48.53 miles per hour.

To find Pira's gas mileage, we can use the formula:

Gas Mileage = Distance / Gas Used

Given that Pira drives 825 miles and uses 38 gallons of gas, we can plug in these values into the formula:

Gas Mileage = 825 miles / 38 gallons
Gas Mileage ≈ 21.71 miles per gallon

Therefore, Pira's gas mileage is approximately 21.71 miles per gallon.

To find the unit price Pira paid for gas, we use the formula:

Unit Price = Total Cost / Gallons Used

Given that Pira paid $125 and used 38 gallons of gas, we can plug in these values into the formula:

Unit Price = $125 / 38 gallons
Unit Price ≈ $3.29 per gallon

Therefore, the unit price Pira paid for gas is approximately $3.29 per gallon.