What does dilettante mean?

A. Professional.
B. Amateur.
C. Expert.
D. Composed.

B. Amateur.

The word "dilettante" means B. Amateur.

The term "dilettante" refers to someone who is an amateur or non-expert in a particular field or activity. They may have a superficial interest in various subjects, but they generally lack the commitment and depth of knowledge associated with professionals or experts.

To verify the correct answer among the given options, we can eliminate the choices that do not align with the definition of "dilettante."

Option A, "Professional," is the opposite of what a dilettante is. A professional is someone who is specialized and highly skilled in a particular area.

Option C, "Expert," also contradicts the definition of a dilettante. An expert is someone who has extensive knowledge and mastery in a specific field, which is the opposite of being an amateur.

Option D, "Composed," does not directly relate to the definition of a dilettante. Being composed refers to maintaining calmness and control, which is unrelated to the concept of being an amateur or non-expert.

This leaves us with option B, "Amateur," which accurately describes a dilettante as someone who participates in an activity without being a professional or expert. Therefore, the correct answer is B.