The _______ of American sailors angered the people of the United States.






The correct answer is "impressment."

The correct answer is "impressment." To determine the correct answer, you need to understand the context of the question. In this case, the question mentions American sailors and angering the people of the United States. This suggests a historical event known as the "impressment of American sailors."

To find information about this event, you can do the following:

1. Use a search engine: Enter relevant keywords like "impressment of American sailors" or "impressment history" into a search engine like Google. This will provide you with an array of sources and articles related to the topic.

2. Visit reputable historical websites: Check websites like Encyclopedia Britannica,, or the Library of Congress. These websites often provide well-researched and accurate information on historical events.

3. Utilize academic sources: If you need more in-depth knowledge or scholarly articles, consider visiting online academic databases like JSTOR or Google Scholar. These platforms provide access to academic papers and journals written by experts in the field.

4. Consult history books or textbooks: Visit your local library or bookstore to find books that specifically cover the history of the United States or the time period when impressment of American sailors occurred. These books can provide a comprehensive overview of events and their impact.

By using these methods, you can find reliable information about the impressment of American sailors, supporting the answer to the question.