What is the collective noun for judges

The collective noun for judges is a "bench" of judges.

Why did ministry of education include history as a subject in schools in Nigeria

The Ministry of Education in Nigeria included history as a subject in schools for several reasons:

1. Cultural Preservation: History is a crucial subject for preserving and understanding the cultural heritage, traditions, and values of Nigeria. It helps students develop a sense of identity and pride in their country's history and promotes patriotism.

2. Historical Awareness: Learning about history helps students understand the past and its influence on the present and future. It enables them to analyze historical events, understand societal progress, and appreciate the contributions of past generations.

3. Critical Thinking Skills: Studying history encourages critical thinking and analytical skills. Students learn to evaluate historical evidence, analyze different perspectives, and develop their ability to make informed judgments based on evidence and reasoning.

4. Citizenship Education: History education contributes to the development of informed and active citizens. It helps students understand the principles of democracy, human rights, justice, and the rule of law. The subject empowers students to participate effectively in society, make positive contributions, and actively engage with social, political, and economic issues.

5. Career Choices: History education serves as a foundation for various career paths such as teaching, research, journalism, law, international relations, and heritage preservation. By studying history, students acquire knowledge and skills that can be applied in diverse professional fields.

Overall, including history as a subject in schools in Nigeria fulfills educational, cultural, and societal objectives, promoting a deeper understanding of the nation's past and motivating students to become active and responsible citizens.

The collective noun for judges is a "bench" of judges.

The collective noun for judges is a "bench" of judges. To determine this, you can consult various sources such as dictionaries or grammar reference books. A quick online search for "collective noun for judges" can provide you with this information. Additionally, you can also refer to specific style guides or legal literature that discuss the appropriate terminology for groups of judges.