A basketball player is 6 2/3 tall his son is 1/4 as tall how tall is his son

To determine how tall the son is, we need to calculate 1/4 of the father's height.

Let's convert the mixed number 6 2/3 into an improper fraction.
6 2/3 = (6 * 3 + 2) / 3 = 20/3

Now, let's find 1/4 of the father's height by multiplying 20/3 by 1/4:
(20/3) * (1/4) = (20 * 1) / (3 * 4) = 20/12 = 5/3

Therefore, the son is 5/3 tall.

To find the height of the son, we need to multiply the height of the basketball player by 1/4.

First, let's convert the height of the basketball player to a mixed fraction for easier calculation:

6 2/3 can be rewritten as 6 + 2/3 = 18/3 + 2/3 = 20/3.

Now, we can calculate the height of the son:

Height of the son = (Height of the basketball player) x (1/4)
= (20/3) x (1/4)
= (20/3) รท (4/1)
= (20/3) x (1/4)
= (20/3) x (1/4)
= 20/12
= 5/3

Therefore, the son is 5/3 tall.

To find out how tall the basketball player's son is, we'll need to first determine the height of the basketball player.

We are given that the basketball player is 6 2/3 feet tall. To convert this mixed number into a regular fraction, we multiply the whole number (6) by the denominator (3) and then add the numerator (2) to get the new numerator. The resulting fraction is 6 * 3 + 2 = 20/3. Therefore, the basketball player is 20/3 feet tall.

Next, we need to find out how tall the son is, which is 1/4 of the basketball player's height. To get 1/4 of a number, we multiply the number by 1/4. Multiplying 20/3 by 1/4, we get (20/3) * (1/4) = 20/12 = 5/3.

Therefore, the son is 5/3 feet tall.