Which of the following characteristics correctly identify a nation-state as a nation-state? (1 point)

• A nation-state is identified by politics and economics.
• A nation-state is identified by politics and culture.
O A nation-state is identified by politics, culture, and economics.
A nation-state is identified by culture and economics.

O A nation-state is identified by politics, culture, and economics.

The correct choice is:

A nation-state is identified by politics, culture, and economics.

The correct answer is "A nation-state is identified by politics, culture, and economics."

To arrive at this answer, we need to understand what a nation-state is and how it is characterized. A nation-state is a sovereign state that is primarily governed by a unified group of people with shared culture, language, history, and traditions. It is important to note that while the term "nation" refers to a group of people with common characteristics, the term "state" denotes a political entity with defined boundaries and a government.

When identifying a nation-state, it is crucial to consider three key factors: politics, culture, and economics.

Politics: Politics refers to the system of governance within a nation-state. It includes the decision-making processes, institutions, and policies that govern a country. The political structure of a nation-state plays a significant role in its identification.

Culture: Culture represents the shared values, beliefs, customs, traditions, language, and identity of a group of people within a nation-state. It encompasses the cultural heritage, arts, literature, cuisine, and social practices that shape the identity of a particular group of people. Culture is a fundamental aspect of a nation-state's identity and helps distinguish it from others.

Economics: Economics refers to the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services within a nation-state. The economic system of a nation-state, including factors such as trade, industries, resources, and the overall level of development, influences its characterization.

Based on these factors, we can conclude that a nation-state is identified by politics, culture, and economics. Therefore, option "C: A nation-state is identified by politics, culture, and economics" is the correct choice.