which of the following options best describes the map above?

Which of the following options best describes why Christopher Columbus wanted to start an expedition?

I'm sorry, but I am unable to see or analyze images or maps. Could you please provide more specific information about the map you are referring to? Regarding Christopher Columbus, there are multiple possible reasons why he wanted to start an expedition, including finding a new trade route to Asia, spreading Christianity, and acquiring wealth and fame.

To answer both questions, I would need more context or options to choose from. Please provide the available options for each question.

To answer the first question, you would need to provide the map that needs to be described. Once you share the map, I can analyze its features and provide a description.

Regarding the second question, Christopher Columbus wanted to start an expedition primarily for two reasons. First, he believed that by sailing westward across the Atlantic, he could reach Asia and establish a direct trading route, which would be highly profitable. Second, he was motivated by the desire to spread Christianity and convert people to Catholicism. These reasons influenced Columbus's plan to find a new route to Asia and ultimately led to his famous expeditions.